A student was asked to record the type of vehicle that entered the school compound through the school's main gate on a Monday morning. The passage below is an excerpt from the student's report on the assignment. "Report on the vehicular traffics at the gate on Monday.
1. Introduction; I was directed by the school principal to sit at the main gate and record the type and number of vehicles that passed through the gate on Monday morning.
2. Observation; I arrived at the gate at about 8;00am and left at 12 noon. During this period, I made the following observation; Car, bus, bus, car, lorry, motorcycle, car, tricycle, motorcycle, bus, bus."
(a) Beginning from the desktop, outline a step by step procedure of how to type the passage in MS word, using A4 paper size and portrait orientation.
(b) State the procedure for carrying out the following operations in the passage;
(i) Begin the second and third sentences in new paragraphs; (ii) Write the first sentence in capital letter underline it and bold it. (iii) Begin the first letter of a sentence with capital letters (iv) Represent the student's observation in a table with three columns under the headings; Serial Number, Type of vehicle, Number of vehicle (v) Merge the first two cells of the ast row of the table and type "Total"and give the total number of vehicles observed in the column for number of vehicles (vi) Save the document with the name: "Vehicular traffic"(vii) Print the document.
6(a) Load MS word (i) Click on the start icon (ii) Select Äll Program, programs menu appears. (iii) Scroll to locate Microsoft office folder (iv) Click Microsoft Office folder to open it and select Microsoft Office word 20. To Select A4 paper size and portrait orientation click file (from the menu bar)-Click oage setup- ,-click paper size-, _select A4(210 x 297mm) and select portrait option then click OK button.
(b)(i) Using the enter key (on the keyboard) to move from one sentence to another
(ii) Click Home Tab- Choose appropraite button for alignment on the paragraph Group 1- Alighn right- center or justify.
(iii) Press the CAP key and the type the sentence -Highlighe the text (i.e the sentence highlighted) -- Click on the "U"icon (underline) on property bar -- Click the "B"icon (Bold)
(iv) Press the CAP key and then type the letter(s)
(v) Click table (from menu bar)
(vi) Select insert option, - Click table, increase the number of column to 3
(vii) Merging 1. Block the two columns to merge together, click on merge button on property bar. Type "Total"
Total | No of Vehicles |
Nos Nos |
Total | 21 |
(vii) Click file (from menu bar) - Click print option - In the open (print dialogue box) - Select the printer of your choice - Type the number of page(s) to print -Type the number of copies to print - Then click the print button. To save - Click file (from menu bar) - Click Save As - Type "Vehicular Traffic" - in the Save column on the dialoguebox. Then click save button.
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