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2023 WAEC Commerce Theory a. State four functions of warehousing   b[¡] State two features of each of the following...

WAEC 2023

a. State four functions of warehousing


b[¡] State two features of each of the following retail outlets:
chain stores

b[¡¡] State two features of each of the following retail outlets:
mobile shop

b[¡¡¡] State two features of each of the following retail outlets:
mail order business


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Post-UTME Past Questions - Original materials are available here - Download PDF for your school of choice + 1 year SMS alerts

a - storage of goods

  - protection of goods

 - risk bearing

 - financing

 - processing

 - grading and branding

 - transportation


b[¡] - Multiple store locations, often spread across different regions or even countries.

       - uses a standardized branding and store design across all locations, giving a consistent customer experience.


b[¡¡] - Operates out of a vehicle or a portable structure, allowing it move to different locations.

       - Typically focuses on a specific product or niche, such as mobile phones or accessories

b[¡¡¡] - Uses catalaogs, websites, or other printed and digital materials to advertise and sell products to customers

            who place orders remotely.

         - Often offers a wide range of products to cater to diverse customer needs and preference

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