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2023 WAEC Christian Religious Knowledge (CRK) Theory a. Outline James' instructions to Christians on how to conduct effective and result-driven prayer. b. State...

Christian Religious Knowledge (CRK)
WAEC 2023

a. Outline James' instructions to Christians on how to conduct effective and result-driven prayer.

b. State four factors that hinder prayer from being heard and answered.

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a. The instructions on effective and result-driven prayer from the Book of James in the New Testament provide practical insights for Christians. Here is an outline of James' teachings on prayer. James begins by emphasizing the need for wisdom when facing trials. He encourages believers to ask God for wisdom with faith, believing that God will generously provide. However, he warns against doubting, as a double-minded person should not expect to receive anything from the Lord.

James also addresses the issue of unanswered prayers by pointing out that sometimes prayers go unanswered because people ask with wrong motives. He emphasizes the importance of aligning one's desires with God's will, rather than seeking selfish pleasures. Asking in accordance with God's will is essential for effective prayer. 

James addresses the practice of calling for the elders of the church to pray over the sick. He encourages believers to pray for one another, confess their sins and seek healing. James also explains the effectiveness of fervent, righteous prayers and cites Elijah as an example of a man whose prayers brought about significant results. Elijah prayed earnestly for rain. Persistent, heartfelt prayer produces powerful results.

James concludes his letter by addressing the importance of praying for those who have strayed from the truth. He encourages believers to actively seek the restoration of those who have wandered. He recognises the significance of intercessory prayer in bringing back wayward individuals.


b. According to James' teachings on prayer, several factors can hinder prayers from being heard and answered. The following are some of them:

1. Doubt and Double-mindedness (James 1:6-8): Lacking a firm and unwavering belief in God's ability to answer prayer can hinder the effectiveness of prayer. A person who doubts is like a wave of the sea, tossed by the wind, and such a person should not expect to receive anything from the Lord.  James emphasizes the importance of faith in prayer.

2. Selfish Motives (James 4:3):  Praying with selfish motives hinders the reception of God's favourable response. James points out that prayers can go unanswered when people ask with wrong motives and seek to fulfil selfish desires. Prayer, according to James, is not a tool for self-indulgence but an opportunity to align one's desires with God's will.

3. Unconfessed Sin (James 5:16a): In the context of praying for healing, James encourages believers to confess their sins to one another. Unconfessed sin can create a barrier to communication with God. To experience effective prayer, there is a need for a genuine acknowledgement and confession of sins. This helps to ensure a clear and open relationship with God.

4. Lack of Righteousness and Fervency (James 5:16b-18): James emphasizes the effectiveness of the prayers of a righteous person. Lack of righteousness and fervency in prayer can hinder its efficacy. Genuine and fervent prayers, exemplified by the persistent and passionate prayer of Elijah, are more likely to produce powerful results. A lack of righteousness and fervency may impede the impact of prayer.

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