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2009 WAEC Biology Practical Study carefully specimens H, Jand K and use them to answer questions 4(a) to 4(d)....

WAEC 2009

Study carefully specimens H, Jand K and use them to answer questions 4(a) to 4(d).

 (a) State the habitat of specimen J. 

(b) State (i) five observable features of specimen J;

(ii) how the features in 4(b)(i) adapt specimen J to its habitat.

(c)(i) List two differences between specimens H and J. 

(ii) State three similarities between specimen H and the skin of specimen J.

(iii) State how the similar features named in 4(C)(i) above adapt specimen H for its functions.

(d)(i) Classify specimen K into its phylum and class. (ii) Give three reasons for placing specimen in its class.

(iii) List three observable features of specimen K and state how these features adapt it to its mode of life. 

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4(a) Habitat of J/Toad/Frog: Frogs Pond/Stream/Fresh water swamps/Swamps/River banks.

Toads- Wet damp places/under leaves/small holes.

(b)(i) Adaptive Features: Webbed digits Streamlined body - bulging eyes above the head

- Nostril above the head - Nictitating membrane - Body odour - Short/stout fore limb

- Long (strong) hind limb - Moist/warty skin - poisonous gland - Long tongue attached to front lip.

(b)(ii) Adaptive features of JI Toad: Webbed digits for swimming/paddling in water Streamlined body for easy movement in water

- bulging eyes to see above water when body is submerged

-Position of nostril above the head enables animal ans get atmosphere air while swimming.

-Nictitating membranes protect eyes from foreign bodies while in water/cleans eye surface.

-Body color blends with surrounding for camouflage.

-Short/stout act as shock absorber/ for landing.

- Long strong hind limbs for hopping on land.

- warty skin prevents evaporation from body/moist skin provides surface for gaseous exchange.

- Poisonous gland for protection against predators.

- Long tongue attached to front lip for easy catching of prey.

(c) Advice to farmer: cytokinin should not be applied beyond some concentration for optimum shoot development.

- For maximum shoot development, the farmer should use cytokinin at a concentration of 4.5mg/l.


(d)(i) Similar substances in plants: Gibberellins  -Auxin/IAA  -Ethylene/Ethene.

(ii) in Animals - Pituitary growth hormone/Somatotro-pin/Follicle stimulating - Hormone (FSH) - Thyroxine - Adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH).

(i) Differences:



Bright red/pink

Dark grey/brown



(ii) Similarities:

-Thin surface membranes

-Moist surface Large surface area

- richly supplied with blood vessels/highly vascularized.

(ii) Adaptation of H/Lung:

- Thin membranes allow easy diffusion of oxygen and carbon dioxide/exchange of gases.

-Moist surface for dissolving of gases/carbon dioxide and oxygen 

- Abundant blood vessels for transport of respiratory gases

-Large surface area for diffusion/exchange gases.

(d)(i) Classification of K/Maize leaf: Phylum/ Angiospermophyta. 

Class- Monocotylenonae

(ii) Reasons: - Long narrow blade - Parallel venation - Presence of leaf sheath

(iii) Adaptations -thin/fat blade; to facilitate diffusion or gases. - Green color chlorophyll; to absorb sunlight for photosynthesis.

-Large surface area; to absorb maximum sunlight

-Presence of veins; for transport of water/manufactured food.

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