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2010 JAMB Biology Practical (a)(i) State the agricultural classification of specimens M and N. (ii) What advantage does the...

JAMB 2010

(a)(i) State the agricultural classification of specimens M and N.

(ii) What advantage does the cultivation of specimen M have over the cultivation of specimen N? 

 (b) State (i) the main classes of food in each of Specimens M and N. (i) the functions of the food classes named in 4(b)(i) above.

(c)(i) Describe the state of specimens M and N.

(ii) Name the pest responsible for the state of specimens M and N.

(iii)  State the phylum and class of the pest with reasons.

(iv) Name two other crops which tne pest infests.

(d)i) State three adaptive features of the pest to its mode of life.

(ii) State four ways of preventing the activity of the named pest.

 (e) State two other pests that can infest specimens M and N

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(a)(i) Agricultural classification: Classification of M and N: M/Bean seed - Legume N/Maize- Cereal

(ii) Advantage of cultivation of M over cultivation of N: - Acts a cover plants to prevent erosion . Enriches the soil/conversion of atmospheric nitrogen to nitrates which are absorbed by the roots of the plants.

(b)(i) Main classes of food: M/Bean - Protein N/Maize - Carbohydrate.

(b)(ii) Functions: For body building/replacement /repair of worn out tissues.  - For energy production

(c)(i) State of M and N: Perforated/has holes/hollow, powdery. - Eaten/spoilt insects/infested.

(ii) Pest: Weevil

(iii) Phylum and Class with reasons:




Segmented body


Chitinous exoskeleton


Jointed appendages




Three body divisions/head, thorax and abdomen


Three pairs of jointed legs. - Two pairs of wings


(iv) Other crops; Rice, millet, guinea Corn, wheat.

(d)(i) Adaptive Features of Pest: - Long proboscis/Rostrum. burrowing into the grain/feeding. - Hard forelimbs/elytron. -To protect hind/inner membranous wing/soft body. Small body size, - That will enable it For piercing/ penetrate/enter tne grain. - (Membranous) wings. for flying.

(ii) Preventive measures: - Proper drying of grains. -Use of pesticides/insecticide. - Store in a dry place. - Use of irradiation. - Avoid mixing old stock of grains witn new grains. - Store in air light container.

(e) Other pests: - Rats - Mice- Squirrel - Rabbit.

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