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2011 WAEC Biology Practical Carefully study specimens J and K and answer questions 4(a) to 4(d). (a) Name the...

WAEC 2011

Carefully study specimens J and K and answer questions 4(a) to 4(d).

(a) Name the type of refuse in specimens: (i) J (ii) K.

(b) List three animal vectors of disease causing organisms that breed on a each of specimens J ana K.

(ii) Name four diseases each caused by animal vectors associated with each or specimen J and K.

(c) Name one method of disposal of each of specimens J and K in: (i) rural areas (ii) urban areas.

(d)(i)State four effects of improper disposal of specimen K

(ii) In a tabular form. state five differences between specimens J and K.

(iii) outline one way in which specimen J is of importance to farmers.

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(a) Types of refuse: (i) Specimen J is a dry refuse/waste.

(ii) Specimen K is wet rey waste/sewage

(b)(i) Animals vectors that breed on specimen J:- Rat, Housefly, -Cockroach

Animal vectors that breed on specimen k Housefly: Blackfly; Female Aedes mosquito/female anopheles mosquito/mosquito; -Snail.

(ii) Diseases associated with specimen J. Typhoid, plague, dysentery, cholera, diarrhea.

(iii) Diseases associated with specimen K. Dysentery, diarrhea, cholera, typhoid, plague elephantiasis, yellow fever, malaria, ascaris infestation, Taenia, Bilharzia.

(c) Methods of disposal

(i) Rural area

Specimen J: refuse dumps/Throwing into bush;

 Urban Area: Dumping into sea/Dumping Sites, Use of incinerator

(ii) Rural Area : Specimen K:Pit latrine

Throwing into backyard/bush

Urban Area:

Septic tank latrine

Bucket latrine/gutters

(d)(i) Effects of improper sewage disposal: - contamination of water bodies/water pollution, - offensive odor -source of diseases -soil pollution.

(iii) Differences:

Specimen J

Specimen K

Dry solid waste/contains little/no water

Wet liquid waste/contain large proportion of water

Can be Kept tor long period

can not be kept for long period

can be burnt

can't be burnt

Can be compacted/compressed

Cannot be compacted/ compressed

May not emit offensive odour

Easily emits offensive odour

Easily converted into organic manure

Not converted into organic manure

(iii) Importance of refuse to a farmer:- If buried it can be used as organic manure/enriches the soil.

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NECO June/July 2024 - Get offline past questions & answers - Download objective & theory, all in one app 48789
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