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2023 WAEC Animal Husbandry Practical (a). Mention one use each of specimens A and C. (b). State four disadvantages of using...

Animal Husbandry
WAEC 2023

(a). Mention one use each of specimens A and C.
(b). State four disadvantages of using specimen A in poultry production.
(c) Give four reasons that could be responsible for the choice of specimen B in poultry production.
(d). (i) Give three reasons why specimen C could be used in the construction of poultry house. (ii) Name two farm animals other than poultry for which the housing unit could be constructed with specimen C.

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(a) Use of specimen A (wooden feed trough).- Supply feed to farm animals. Use of specimen C (chicken wire mesh): - used for fencing. -construction of buildings/pens

(b). Disadvantages of using Specimen A (wooden Teed (rough) in poultry production. -May require frequent maintenance. It may be attacked by termites during storage. Caking of leftover feed may occur/ absorption of moisture. - may harbor pathogens, – difficulty in clearing feeds/ difficult to maintain. – could be contaminated with droppings. - damaged trough may cause injury. – difficult to move around/heavy. - expensive to construct.

(c). Reasons for choosing Specimen B (Plastic cylindrical feeder) in poultry production - Available for all ages of birds. - durable since it cannot be destroyed by termite or water. - readily available/easy to acquire. - ease of maintenance/easy to clean. - low cost of the equipment. reduces feed wastage. - easy to handle/lightweight.- reduces feed contamination

(d)(i).- Reasons for using Specimen C (Chicken wire mesh) in the construction of poultry houses. - Protection against predators, and rodents.- restriction of birds/prevents birds from straying. -improve illumination/lighting. - Cannot be attacked by termites. – for improved ventilation. - protection against intruders. - makes cleaning of cages easier. (ii) Farm animals whose housing unit could be constructed with Specimen C (Chicken wire mesh)
Cattle          Snail
Sheep         Horse
Goat            Donkey
Pig               Rabbits

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