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2022 WAEC Animal Husbandry Practical (a)(i) List four sources of specimen Kin animal production. (ii) State four ways in which...

Animal Husbandry
WAEC 2022

(a)(i) List four sources of specimen Kin animal production. (ii) State four ways in which specimen K could be used in poultry production.
(b) Stale four ways in which animals could be restrained using specimen L.
(c) Name three activities whichl could be carried out using specimen L

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(a)(i) Sources of Specimen K (water) in animal production: -River. -Borehole/well. -Stream. -Rainwater -Tap/pipe borne water/town water supply. -Pond. -Dam. -Lake. -Spring. -Sea. (ii) Uses of Specimen K(water) in poultry production: -  For cleaning/sanitation. -For processing slaughtered animals. -For washing -Administration of drugs/vaccines. -Supplied as drinking water. -For use as solvent for disinfection/foot bath. -Can be sprayed as a humidifier/control of temperatures. -Mixing of feed. -Irrigation of pasture poultry -Construction of poultry house.

(b) Ways of restraining farm animals with the use of specimen L (rope): -Tying a rope around the neck of the animal to a stake. -Tying rope around the head of the animal -Tying rope around the snout/mouth. -Tying rope round the body and neck of the animal. -Tying rope to hook the nose of the animal. -Tying rope on the two forelegs and hind legs. -Tying the legs/wing poultry. -Tying rope to horsetail.

(c) Activities that could be carried out using specimen L (rope): Castration. -Inspection/examination. -Vaccination/medication. -Tethering/grazing/restriction of live stock - Slaughtering. -Transporting, -Animal show. -Milking. -Dehorning. -Docking. -Farm work. -Baling hay -Sample collection. -Hoof trimming, -ldentification. -Farm layout. -Hoist feeders/hang forage. -Drawing water from a well.

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