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2005 WAEC Agricultural Science Practical (a) Name three other equipment that can perform similar functions as specimen F. (b) State...

Agricultural Science
WAEC 2005

(a) Name three other equipment that can perform similar functions as specimen F.

(b) State five safety precautions to be taken when using specimen F.

(c) Describe how specimen F is used

(d) State three faults that may develop in specimen F when in use.

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(a) Other equipment that can perform similar functions as specimen F are:

  • Motorized sprayer.
  • Electrodyn sprayer.
  • Boom sprayer.
  • Hand sprayer.
  • Uitra low volume sprayer.
  • Tractor-mounted / helicopter / aeroplane - mounted sprayer.

(b) Safety precautions to be taken when using specimen F:

  • Ensure the equipment is in good condition before starting.
  • Read and follow instructions on the chemical container before operations begin.
  • Wear protective clothing when spraying.
  • Avoid smoking, eating or drinking while spraying.
  • Do not blow blocked nozzles with mouth.
  • Do not spray against the wind.
  • Avoid walking/spraying into areas freshly sprayed.
  • Do not spray in hot afternoons.
  • Wash body thoroughly after use.
  • Avoid spillage of chemícal in wrong place

(c) How specimen F is used:

  • Pour a measured quantity of water into tank.
  • Add correct amount of chemical to water in tank and miss well.
  • cover the tank properly with the lid.
  • Pump to raise pressure within tank.
  • Mount sprayer on the back.
  • Spray while walking away from sprayed area.
  • Direct nozzle to the area to be sprayed.
  • Pressure in tank is maintained by occasional pumping.

(d) Faults that may arise while using specimen F are:

  • Clogging of nozzles.
  • Pressure could leak from pressure chamber.
  • Leakage of chemical from hose or tank.
  • Hose could rupture.
  • Nozzle could get dismantled/disorganize.
  • Pump lever may be broken or faulty

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