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2014 WAEC Agricultural Science Theory (a) Discuss the cultivation of cassava under the following headings: (i) soil requirements; (ii) spacing...

Agricultural Science
WAEC 2014

(a) Discuss the cultivation of cassava under the following headings: (i) soil requirements; (ii) spacing (iii) one disease; (iv) one pest. [5 marks]

(b) Differentiate between natural pasture and artificial pasture. [2 marks]

(c). Explain the term disease as used in crop production. [2 marks] 

(d)  State Mendel's law of independent assortment of genes. [2 marks]

(e) Explain the term regeneration as a forest management practice. [2 marks]

(f) State five effects of deforestation. [5 marks] 

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Post-UTME Past Questions - Original materials are available here - Download PDF for your school of choice + 1 year SMS alerts

(a) Discussion of the cultivation of cassava: 
(i) Soil requirements: 
-A well-drained/sandy/friable loamy soil. 
- soil rich in organic matter. 
(ii) Spacing: 1m x 1m. (iii) Disease: 
- Cassava mosaic 
- Leaf spot 
- Bacterial leaf blight 
- Tuber rot/white thread 
(iv) Pest: 
- Green spider mites 
- Grasshoppers 
- Mealy bugs
 - Rodents 
- White flies 
- Monkeys.

(b) Difference between natural and artificial pasture: Natural pasture refers to an area of land covered with forage grasses and legumes which are not planted by man. While/on the other hand/but/whereas. Artificial pasture refers to an area of land covered with forage grasses and legumes which are deliberately planted by man. 

(c) Explanation of the term disease in crop production: Disease refers to a deviation from the normal health status/ condition of a crop presenting marked symptoms. 

(d) Mendel 's law of independent assortment of genes: Mendel 's law of independent assortment of genes states that each character behaves as a separate unit and is inherited independently of any other character. OR This law states that when two pure/true-bred organisms with two or more pairs of contrasting characters are crossed, the characters assort independently in the second filial generation.

 (e) Explanation of regeneration as a forest management practice: - Regeneration is the process of forest regrowth after it has been exploited which can be natural or artificial. 

(f) Effects of deforestation: 
- Loss of soil nutrients. 
- Permanent destruction of indigenous forests. 
- Soil erosion. 
- Desert encroachment desertification. 
- Loss of bodiversity/imbalance in the ecosystem. 
-Disruption of hydrological cycle. 
- Increase in atmospheric carbon(iv) oxide concentration. 
-Destruction of micro climate/increased environmental temperature. 
- Loss of soil organic matter. 
- Reduction in soil microbial activities. 
-Exposure of the soil to direct rays of the sun. 


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