Question 2: The 100kg road sign (Center of gravity at G) is held by three cables CD, BE, and HF, and a ball-and-socket support at point A. Find the reaction forces at A and tension at each cable.
Step 2: Find the coordinates for points B, C, D, E, F, and H
Step 3: Find the unit vector for CD, BE, and HF
Step 4: Put the x, y, and z components of forces T1 (CD), T2(BE), and T3 (HF) on their point of action in the diagram below. Remember to put gravity at G, and reactions Ax, Ay, and Az at point A.
Step 5: Write the equations of 3D equilibrium of rigid bodies and solve for Ax, Ay, Az, T1, T2, and T3?
In Engineering
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Asked by e on 12th July, 2024
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